Our recently developed operating procedures outline Purpose AgHui is a broad coalition of agricultural stakeholders from across the sector and the state. We convene and strengthen relationships around local agriculture, production, and the food system in Hawaiʻi. We reflect, rather than represent, the ag sector and our diversity of perspectives is a source of strength. […]
2021 Policy Priorities & Bills
Increase funding for SNAP Double-Up Bucks HB235: RELATING TO SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM INCENTIVES SB512: RELATING TO SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM INCENTIVES Removes the $10 per visit per day cap on the dollar-for-dollar match received by Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program beneficiaries under the Hawaii Healthy Food Incentive Program, also known as the Double Up Food […]
Funded Projects
Advocating for strategic investments in agricultural projects that increase production and access to locally grown products, AgHuiʻs network assisted in identifying funding matches from both public and private philanthropic sources for the following projects: Maui Nui Venison received $200,000 of CARES funding and $150,000 from a private foundation to support the construction of their venison […]

AgHui members Chris Lee and Nicole Milne wrote an op-ed featured in the Sunday 10/11/2020 edition of the Honolulu Star-Advertiser: COVID impacts should prompt isles to devise a clear strategy for food and ag sustainability ISLAND VOICES Chris Lee is vice president of farm operations at Pono Pacific; Nicole Milne is vice president of food […]
Ag Investments & Jobs Survey

Growing Island Agriculture & Creating Jobs Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, the agricultural industry has identified over 120 “shovel-ready” projects that will create jobs, boost revenue, and grow production. These projects demonstrate the vitality of local agriculture and its potential to contribute to our economic recovery and community resilience. Now is the time to strategically […]

AgHui members and others presented as part of Hawaiʻi Investment Ready‘s Leveraging Hawaiʻi Capital workshops Themes & Topics What will it take to move Hawaiʻi’s food systems from niche to mainstream? From crisis to resilience post-COVID? Hawaiʻi Agriculture Response & Recovery Working Group Fact Sheet Recommendation Matrix Matrix Graphic Multi-sector (gov’t, private, philanthropic) approaches […]

As a broad coalition of agricultural stakeholders, we have articulated a plan to: direct resources to keep farmers and ranchers economically viable, mobilize local food production to address immediate community feeding needs, contribute significantly to Hawaiʻi’s economic recovery, build lasting capacity to grow a more resilient and equitable food system for Hawaiʻi. Our plan for […]